The Future of You-tility

Uniting for what matters most


At H🌎ME DAO we are creating the collaborative platform for everyone that wants to work together to save the planet, live a more meaningful life, and to gain access to the assets that matter most in your life.

We are uniting the people doing amazing efforts, but in silos, and creating a platform that empowers all members to become a powerful “hive-like” organism for growth and impact.

We are the first ever DAO to back our tokens with the hard assets that produce clean energy, water, food and housing. The leading DePIN DAO for decentralizing, localizing, and connecting you to the basic needs of humanity’s community assets. The ones we should always own, and not outsource.

We are the backbone of people working together to change the planet and our lives. JOIN US.




The Ecosystem

Home DAO is the first decentralized “public goods” utility initiative in the world incorporating a
protocol built and backed by sustainability systems and their positive cash flows. (AKA create value doing good)

The HOME Token is pioneering a new way of integrating blockchain technology with sustainable, real-world assets.

It's not just a digital asset; it's a tangible link to a sustainable future, promoting community participation, environmental responsibility, and sound financial growth.

Clean Energy, Clean Water, Local/Healthy Food, Next-gen housing

These needs can be solved by building sustainable systems, AKA sustainable infrastructure.

When you think of sustainable infrastructure in the future, think of a home that has a system that provides for its own energy, water, and food.

There is local and autonomous energy freedom, water freedom, and food abundance. No utility bill, and no dependence on a centralized system.

HOME Token is leading the way in changing what you expect from a DAO token, and community value transfer.



The HOME DAO Cognitive City is a groundbreaking AI manifestation of collective wisdom and technological advancements. It's an innovative virtual space where members of the DAO come together to brainstorm, make decisions, play, give feedback, and co-create. The Cognitive City facilitates dynamic interaction, collaborative ideation, and consensus-driven decision-making, all vital for the seamless operation of the DAO. It harnesses the power of Web3 technology to enable members to exchange ideas, discuss strategies, vote on proposals, and make collective decisions regarding the DAO's assets and initiatives.




Treasury backed by Sustainable Assets

The first-ever DAO with a DeFi platform backing tokens with physical sustainable assets.  Think $10M solar arrays that operate like real estate, serving communities that are paying for energy that is cheaper than the existing grid, but still providing large cash flow.  Projects that make so much profit, you can turn around and build another on a continuous loop. Think about the world of change when normal people have the access to be equity owners of the infrastructure rather than elites only.  Decisions and profits look totally different when the average person has access to being part of regenerative infrastructures.



EXPERTISE: Developers and Emerging Technology

Building sustainable projects is the background specialty of many of our founders. The Home DAO dev team is a group of engineers, energy advisors, financial analysts, and entrepreneurs that specialize in energy efficiency, solar, wind, battery, water, housing, education, and all things sustainability. Our ecosystem streamlines and implements the best tech, vetting, and funding platform on the planet. Our dev team leaders and community together are creating an ecosystem that is a win, win, win scenario for all.  Everyone from sustainability professionals to individuals can solve humanity's problems together, and build systems that provide for our basic needs in the most cooperative and trusted ecosystem in history.


What we believe Web3 and Crypto are:


A Paradigm Shift in Human Lifestyle and Connection to each other. With H🌎ME DAO and Web3, we are an elevated system of human communication and collaboration that enables communities to be 100x more connected, efficient, transparent, useful, valuable, and meaningful. We are the ultimate use case for “DePIN” meets regenerative community.

  • We believe that the use case of crypto with Web 3.0 and H🌎ME DAO enables community members to literally become their own “public utility” organization, as they are equity owners of their house, their energy company, their water company, their grocery store, their bank, and their access to communication. We become doers, rather than watchers, we become connected rather than isolated.

  • Do you believe what we believe? J🌎IN us, J🌎IN the mission!

    Once you find out this is possible, you can’t not be part of H🌎ME DAO.

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An Out-of-this-World

Decentralized Ownership
"Skills for Ownership” Launch


The Home DAO Difference


Over $200 Million of projects ready to go…

We are not just a world-changing “idea,” we are already working with signed and sealed major projects. $200,000,000 in sustainability projects before the ecosystem even goes live.

HOME DAO may become one of the world's largest utility companies, that isn't a utility company, but rather an ecosystem of projects, developers, funding, and emerging technology all owned by its members.

The people can become owners of the basic needs we consume and give up the most freedom to; electricity, clean water, healthy food, housing payments, communication, and education can now be owned, not rented. Imagine if those costs were not only gone but were profitable for communities.


 Next Generation
Collaboration and Sustainability

Home DAO is the bridge between Blockchain technology
and real-world sustainable assets
