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The World's First and Only Cryptocurrencies Ecosystem Backed by Real-World Sustainable Assets

Published: April 8, 2022 at 12:23 p.m. ET

“Every once in a while, a project comes along that is so unique and novel that you know that it's something special.
Home DAO is one such project that is undeniably exciting.

How Home DAO stands out

What makes Home DAO different from other DeFi projects is that its YTLTY token is backed by real-world sustainable assets. This is not a new DAO with an idea only, they are launching with developer partners and over $200 million in projects signed and ready to be implemented. The projects are headlined by renewable energy systems for school districts and municipalities with 20-25 year profitable agreements. "This is a fully thriving system already in motion, and now we are adding the DeFi and DAO element to essentially turn this system over to the world so that we can all benefit," said Bittner.

"Developers, communities, and funding need a trusted system that connects them and is fruitful for all parties simultaneously," says Andrew Bittner, Founder of Home DAO, "This alignment is the future of unlocking worldwide flourishing, as, with this innovative ecosystem, sustainable projects will be more viable than any other infrastructure project." The project is founded on the core principle of supporting people, planet, and profit, and these things will all prosper thanks to the complex connection between these aspects.

Home DAO offers a democratized system that determines which sustainability projects are part of the Home DAO treasury. "Having community support will only grow the mission deeper," says Bittner. "By tapping into the collective intelligence of our community, we feel our projects will be more beautiful and impactful as we open ourselves to the larger perspective while our dev team focuses on the micro-tasks of engineering, vetting, and finances."'

"There isn't another DeFi project on the horizon that is quite like Home DAO. Founded on principles that emphasize both the system's profitability and having that system make a greater positive impact on the world, Home DAO is a project that is attractive in more ways than one. "We are providing a trusted ecosystem to take action and abundantly provide for our basic needs while simultaneously saving the planet, decentralizing ownership, and providing freedom to the individual unlike never seen before in humanity." said Bittner, "It is an easy option, you can help the planet and everyone around you."


Social Impact Heroes Helping Our Planet: Why & How Andrew Bittner of HOME DAO Is Helping To Change Our World

Published: April 15, 2022

“HOME DAO brings the opportunity to truly make a difference in our planet and our lives. Our mission is to give the chance for individuals to be a part of the solution to the planetary crisis of climate change and the ownership of our own basic needs.”

“Individuals have never had the chance to be inclusive stakeholders in power plants for example, and so large corporations have had a monopoly on the “access” to these types of vital human infrastructure. HOME DAO solves that issue, and in doing so allows the people to then be inclusive stakeholders and share governance of those projects.”


An Out-of-this-World

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